Augmented reality is a composite, real time view of the world overlaid with computer information or graphics. Augmented reality has been getting a lot of attention since the announcement of Google Glass, a glasses frame with smartphone capabilities, and other similar projects, but the idea dates back to the 1960. In
It will be interesting to see what happens when someone gets jailed for subversion of state power while operating from their Internet connection provided by a Western company for their Chinese employees. What liability will the employer face for providing the means of circumvention if their connection directly (or inadvertently)
Thinking about state-sponsored cyber threats over the long term doesn’t come easy to Western strategists. This essay takes a look at at the strategic implications of thinking only in the short-term.
The findings and conclusions of malware “analysis” are not in fact analysis; they are, however, a collection of data points linked together by assumptions whose validity and credibility have not been evaluated. This lack of analytic methodology could prove exceedingly problematic for those charged with making decisions about cyber security.
Unmanned aerial vehicles have become the signature of American offensive military operations. While far from perfect, drones are now critical to achieving US goals in an effective and efficient manner. But how do the nations considered the United States’ closest “near peers,” Russian and China, compare in this critical capability?
Governments and NGOs alike have lauded the explosion of cellular phones in the developing world. The World Telecommunications Union reported in 2011 that 79% of the population in developing states have a mobile phone. The planet now boasts over 6 billion cellular phone subscriptions. Landlines and internet availability have never
“When conflict breaks out in social groups, individuals make strategic decisions about how to behave based on their understanding of alliances and feuds in the group.” Source: How computation can predict group conflict: Fighting among captive pigtailed macaques provides clues
Analysts, policymakers, and defenders often paint a bleak picture of the cybersecurity landscape. The Internet was built for resiliency, convenience, and openness, not security, and barriers to entry are low, meaning that criminals, foreign intelligence, activists, and states have many opportunities to launch countless attacks, especially if they are automated.
This article discusses some ongoing programs in the Emergency Services Sector (ESS) that can help your agency to identify its cyber footing. . Protecting and ensuring the continuity and resilience of the critical infrastructure and key resources (CIKR) of the United States are essential to the Nation’s security, public
The leak that the U.S. was apparently behind the Stuxnet worm that impacted the Nataz nuclear enrichment facility in Iran came – as it always does – with a rash of analysis and opinion related to the hazards associated with “sophisticated” malware and “cyber weapons.” But it is a reliance